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Cancun Mexico November 29th - December 10th 
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Civil Society Organizations

In Articles 4 and 7, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change refers to the participation of civil society organizations. As part of the Conferences of the Parties process, their participation has been structured in 9 interest groups gathering the private sector (BINGOs); indigenous peoples (IPOs); nongovernmental organization trade unions (TUNGOs); youth (YOUNGOS), the scientific and academic sector (RINGOs); diverse environmental constituencies (ENGOs); local governments and municipalities; women and other sectors such as farmers which are closely linked to the climate change phenomenon.

Thus, their capacity to dialogue with other stakeholders in the process has been recognized, as well as their influence on the issues related to the Conference of the Parties (COP16/ CMP6).

For the Government of Mexico, civil society`s participation is an essential component in the collective building process towards COP16/CMP6. Therefore, a joint civil society strategy has been promoted in which different public agencies of the Federal Government participate, based on the principles of plurality, transparency, information access and equal representation of all social groups.

A broad consultation process has also been carried out among the different stakeholders, organizations and social movements at the national and international level, aimed at disseminating information on the current status of negotiations and those participation mechanisms established by the Secretariat of the Convention. Furthermore, these meetings have contributed to the positive exchange of ideas allowing for a more effective implementation of projects stemming from those previously addressed needs.

This site offers a calendar of events; information on organized civil society participation in the Conference; and the publication of position papers from different organizations, in order to ensure the widest dissemination and underscore the openness and transparency promoted by the Government of Mexico as part of the process.


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