Forum Intangible Heritage and Climate Change
Stop climate change is urgent for Mexico
The culinary and cultural sectors in Mexico are in danger due to the climate changes the world has undergone in the last few years. Thus said the Commercial Director of the National Fund of Handcraft Promotions of Mexico (FONART in Spanish), Margarita Rodríguez Malpica, and Chef Margarita Carrillo de Salinas, winner of the Intangible Patrimony of Humanity award, given by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO), at the Cancunmesse venue, in Mexico.
“Rain has damaged many places in our country, which has affected crafters both in production and in the obtaining of the raw materials.” Said the Commercial Director of FONART.
Meanwhile, Chef Margarita Carrillo Salinas stated the importance of taking care of our world so we can preserve our typical dishes, or “we could lose the different and delicious kinds of foods like Chinese, Japanese, Hindu and our own.”
At the end, both speakers asked people to be environmentally aware, in order to preserve these two Intangible Patrimonies of Humanity, and most important for Mexico: food and handcrafts.
planet, intangible, humanity, patrimony, unesco, fonart, mexico, change, climate, climate change, rain, food, crafters
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