An inclusive COP16
Cultures and ideas are mixed in the halls of the Cancunmesse venue
Countries as Japan, Brazil, Ecuador and Kiribati are represented in the Cancunmesse building, one of the venues of COP16. The countries attending the Climate Change Conference in Cancun offer information about their activities through the multicultural pavilions.
"I had never thought about the environment, and I think this is a good opportunity to do so," said Mayu Yoshil, a visitor from Japan at the COP16.
"I think the organization achieved success electing Mexico as the host, because Cancun is a beautiful and well structured city," said Victor Lameira, a member of the delegation of Brazil’s Bank of Amazonia, an institution that focuses much of its activities on such an important forest.
Not only the delegates participate, the artists also have a voice at the COP16.
"One of the activities I do is to recycle and make art out of the waste," said the artist from Quintana Roo, Mexico Alejandro Hernandez, creator of a painting that shows a jazz musician playing on the beach, made out of paper and acetate discs.
"I think the COP is very important, because world leaders come and make decisions for the future of the people, since Climate Change is not the struggle of a single country, it is the struggle of the planet," said Claire Anterea, representative of the Kiribati culture, an island located in the Pacific, northeast of Australia.
cancunmesse, flag, cop16, art, culture, kiribati, ecuador, countries, mexico, brazil, recycling, climate change, cancun
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