Briefing: Undersecretary of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, SRE, Mexico
Two new proposals previously discussed in informal sessions last weekend were released this morning by Ambassador Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo Verduzco, Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights Ministry of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Mexico.
The first document, submitted by the Chairperson of the Working Group on Long Term Cooperation (AWG-LCA by its acronym in English), Margaret Mukahanana-Sangargwe, shows a series of new proposals and the progress made in bringing positions closer and revealing more clearly what would all the elements of the package be.
The other proposal was submitted by the Chair of the Kyoto Protocol, where the Mexican Undersecretary explained that the new proposal’s mission is to rescue the divisions and the ministers’ is to assist in finding points of progress in negotiations. He assured that "the challenge is to find a formula that allows the various parties to feel certain that here in Cancun the various positions are taken into account."
The Mexican Undersecretary added that the mood of the delegations has not changed since the COP16 began. Besides having a great willingness to negotiate, he acknowledged that Mexico has restored the confidence of nations to reach agreements.
protocol, kyoto, division, position, cop16, parties, ambassador, awg-lca, rescue, cancun, diverse, negotiation.
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