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Cancun Mexico November 29th - December 10th 
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Civil Society essential for success of COP16

Organization of COP16 important for coordination of COP17

“Alternative, non-official physical spaces were needed for civil society to gather together and work at this COP”, thus areas were prepared, such as the Climate Change Village, the Climate Forum, Vía Campesina and Espacio Mexicano, for that effect.

For participation of civil society is being seek, Cancun makes the difference in the search for a dialogue with this sector, said the Director General for Civil Society Organizations of Mexico, Miguel Díaz Reynoso, this morning at a press conference in the Sol room of the Moon Palace venue for the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16).

He stressed that disposition and dialogue are essential within the civil society, the Mexican government and the presidency of the COP, so Cancun keeps on the good track it has followed so far.

Once the COP16 is over, Mexican organizers will meet with their COP17 colleagues to share their experience in the organization of the Conference of the Parties, in order to prepare the one to be held in 2011 in Durban, South Africa.

mexico, cop16, cop17, durban, cancun, society, civil, climate change village, climate forum, vía campesina, espacio mexicano, miguel díaz reynoso

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