Advisory Councils and Society at COP16
Statement of the National Advisory Council for Sustainable Development
The Declaration on Climate Change from the National Advisory Council for Sustainable Development was presented at the Mexico Pavilion, at Cancunmesse venue. The statement indicates the position of the Advisory Council to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
"Any policy that seeks to address the problems arisen from Climate Change, involves a review of the current economic model and to analyze the patterns of production and consumption," said Raquel Gutiérrez Nájera, Founder of the Environmental Law Institute and a member of the Advisory Council.
The role of civil society and advisory councils lies in the promotion that this sector gives to the international mechanisms for mitigation, such as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD).
"The emergence of processes around Climate Change has given impetus to these negotiations (referring to the COP16), which has enabled to recover some of the issues that are articulated with Climate Change," said Edgar Gonzalez, representative of the National Academy for Environmental Education (ANEA).
"The decision is in the hands of other countries, Mexico has already done its part, the civil society and the United Nations have done their part," said Magdy Martinez Solimán, representative of the United Nations Program for Development in Mexico.
Climate Change, civil society, advisory council, undp, magdy martinez, soliman, cop16, Mexico, redd, declaration, Mexico Pavillion
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