Dialogues for water at COP16
A series of panels will be held from December 1 to 8
"We believe that no strategy will bring results if water resource management is not taken into account as a central part in the issue of mitigation and adaptation," said Jose Luis Luege Tamargo, director of the National Water Commission of Mexico (CONAGUA), as he referred to the organization of the event Dialogues for Water and Climate Change (D4WCC), which consists of a series of panels on issues related to water resources.
Polioptro Martínez Austria, General Director of the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTRA), spoke about water management, which refers to the relationship between water and the environment and society, since the effects of climate change on water are greater day by day, thus strongly affecting the people who need it to live and do all their activities.
"The proposal is that the final outcome of the COP16 establishes a specific mention about water resources and transfer of technology", said the General Director of IMTRA during the panel on Sustainable Watersheds.
In turn, Humberto Sergio Graf Montero, General Coordinator of Production and Productivity of the Mexican National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR), spoke about the National Payment Program for Environmental Services, which recognizes users who keep natural resources with which they perform economic activities.
conagua, luege tamargo, dialogues for water climate change, climate change, water, environment, society, conafor, cop16, water resources, watersheds, imtra, d4wcc
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