Plenary of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation
G77 and China offer support and collaboration to the report
The Subsidiary Body for Implementation opened sessions in the Ceiba meeting room at Moon Palace building, the official site of the COP16/CMP6. The session chaired by the delegate of Australia, Robert Owen Jones, invited those present to join efforts to achieve their objectives and help fight climate change impacts around the world.
The Subsidiary Body for Implementation gives advice to the COP on any matter concerning the conduct of the Conference. One of its main tasks is to examine the information managed in the national communications and press releases that each party broadcasts to assess the effectiveness of the Conference in general. This body also leads the COP on financial mechanisms, budgets and administrative matters.
In its start-up, all parties have shown their support for the G77 and China in the hope that they come to good agreements and fulfill commitments to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
The delegate of Australia, on behalf of the Umbrella Group (Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, and United States of America) said, "We came to Cancun with a positive attitude determined to achieve success, the parties are essential for the progress of the Conference and their work is important if we are to achieve effective global agreement after 2012".
In turn, the Mexican delegate noted that "the ultimate objective of the convention requires greater participation of interlocutors, not just discussions but also in the implementation of the measures deemed necessary to meet the challenge of climate change".
subsidiary body for implementation, moon palace, cop16, Robert Owen, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, united states, umbrella group, emission, greenhouse effect gases, greenhouse effect, climate change, climate
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