Green Solutions@COP16 promote dialogue and participation to a green economy
Organized by the Government of Mexico, through ProMexico and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economy, and brings together presidents and CEOs of global companies, entrepreneurs, government officials and national and foreign specialists
- Organized by the Government of Mexico, through ProMexico and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economy, and brings together presidents and CEOs of global companies, entrepreneurs, government officials and national and foreign specialists.
- Will be held from 5 to 8 December in Cancun, Quintana Roo, where there will be lectures, seminars, roundtables and workshops, business meetings, bilateral seminars and technology exhibition.
With the participation of CEOs of national and foreign companies, associations and business chambers, government officials, high-level financial institutions and specialists, Green Solutions@COP16 is an international platform for dialogue and exchange for progress towards an economy, low carbon.
Green Solutions@COP16 takes place at the Initiative of the Government of Mexico in parallel with the 16th edition of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) of the Framework of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 6th Conference of the Parties Kyoto Protocol (CMP6), which is the first time for about an environment summit of this kind, call for the private sector to discuss the design of sustainable production processes and business opportunities, investment and exchange clean technology, as well as to promote and strengthen cooperation between companies and governments, to help abate the adverse effects of climate change.
The event is organized by the government of Mexico, through ProMexico, in coordination with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economy and will be held from 5 to 8 December in Cancun, Mexico, at the Fiesta Americana Grand Coral Beach. There will be a series of conferences, technology exhibition, business meetings, displays of anti-pollution vehicles, among other activities.
In a joint press conference, Rogelio Granguillhome, director of the Unit for Economic Relations and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Enrique Perret Erhard, leader of the Support Unit and Institutional Relations ProMexico, gave details of Green Solutions@COP16.
They reported that through more than 40 conferences, workshops, panels and roundtables taught by 170 speakers, participants will interact on topics such as finance, public policies, technological innovations, trade and investment in sectors like renewable energy, infrastructure, transport , aviation, information technology, biofuels, waste, conservation and reforestation, methane and carbon markets, SMEs, green business strategies, environmental leadership, models of economic sustainability, housing and sustainable cities and energy efficiency.
Attended, among others, Mario Molina (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1995), Rajendra K. Pachauri (Director General TERI and Institute awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC) and the environmentalist Jean Philippe Cousteau , who will give a royal conference.
Some 60 companies from USA, Germany, Japan, UAE, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Singapore, UK, Canada, Brazil and Mexico, organized an exhibition where there will be hundreds of stands, in national pavilions or individual spaces, in which the most innovative show in clean technology.
It will drive about 150 business meetings between companies, exhibitors and attendees to bring to Mexico, businesses and "green" investments particularly in renewable energy and energy efficiency. And led to meetings with government and business leaders to propose actions to influence public policy development for climate change mitigation for the benefit of society.
Green Solutions@COP16 brings together CEOs of multinational companies such as Accenture, Acciona, Braskem, Cemex, Ericsson, Femsa, Gamesa Corp., General Electric, Iberdrola, Masdar, Rubenia, Siemens, Samsung, Tecnowise, Vestas, all these sponsors of the event.
Also present holders of the Ministry of Economy, SRE, Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, and Finance. As Comisión Nacional del Agua; Comisión Nacional de Vivienda, Infonavit, Fideicomiso para el Ahorro de Energía Eléctrica (FIDE) and Nacional Financiera.
Green Solutions@COP16 has more than 20 strategic partners who are Business for the Environment (B4E), Global Initiatives, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), World Economic Fourum (WEF), Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) Green Momentum, Nissan, Volkswagen, Concamin, Coparmex, International Finance Corporation (IFC).
Associations and organizations will attend as International Civil Aviation Organization, International Energy Agency, Korean Business Council for Sustainable Development, Association for International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), CCE, Comce, Concanaco, CMIC, Canacar, AMIA, the Mexican Association Energy, ANIQ, Mexican Association of Secretaries of Economic Development, Confederación Nacional de Organizaciones Ganaderas, Canacero, Canacemy AMMPAC.
There will be an exhibition of anti-pollution cars, called Green Auto Show, which will be presented electric vehicles, hybrids and alternative fuel or other sustainable technologies, from companies such as Daimler, Ford, General Motors, Miles, Nissan and VW. It will also have units of transport "green" to different perspectives. Also areas for environmental pro-learning, entertainment, green and cultural shows.
Displays and some lectures are freely available; those interested can register at the website or venue.
A Green Solutions@COP16 estimated attendance of 700 and a thousand people daily.
Green Solutions, cop16, cmp6, change climate, Kyoto Protocol, Protocolo de Kyoto, ProMexico, UNFCCC
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