Press Conference, Christiana Figueres Olsen, Executive Secretary for the UNFCCC
Mitigation and adaptation important for success at COP16
“It is important for the negotiations on the sixteenth edition of the Conference of the Parts (COP16) to be transparent and responsible,” said Christiana Figueres Olsen, Executive Secretary for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), at a press conference this morning in the Moon Palace Hotel.
The Executive Secretary for the UNFCCC said that developed countries should be committed to fulfill their own suggestions, which would boost the approaches on mitigation recommended by the developing countries.
“This year, the challenge in Cancun is how to formalize all these proposals coming from the developing countries,” she stated.
She also added that “each and every one of the groups and individuals here will contribute in a constructive way to find solutions and not to create problems.”
She expressed her hope that all participants to the 16 Conference of the Parties (COP16), both direct and those who do electronically, will help in the process to fight against climate change in a responsible and transparent manner, just as negotiations have been carried out between State parties.
It is important for the countries to be optimistic regarding the securing of any agreement under this framework, and thus to set the bases of what is supposed to be an integral action on climate change, regarding both mitigation and adaptation.
While admitting that the COP16, "no one will leave completely happy", the UNFCCC Executive Secretary called on the countries of ALBA (Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Dominican Republic) as well as Japan, China, Russia and Canada to put aside differences and channel their best efforts to achieve a balanced package of decisions.
In advance of what will happen on Saturday, she reported that an updated text of the Kyoto Protocol will be released, and she relies on countries to find points of agreement to the continuation of this important instrument.
cop16, mexico, cancun, country, development, solution, mitigation, adaptation, change, climate, un, build, conference, christiana Figueres, agreement, developing, unfccc
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